Health and Wellness
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- #ceremonialmatchagreentea
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11 products

Ayurveda Tummy Soother Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Ayurveda Organic Tummy Soother Herbal Tea. This herbal infusion is perfect for stopping gas, bloating and intestinal spasms. Using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, we thoughtfully hand-blend spices and herbs known to have a soothing effect in the gut. This is a customer favorite!
Hand-blended with: cardamom, coriander, ginger and fennel seeds. 2.5 ounces in a refillable bag.
Add 1 tablespoon to 8 ounces of freshly boiled water. Steep 12 - 15 minutes. Sweeten with honey (optional)
Exotic Umami Salt Fusion
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99
Umami Spice Blend Earthy, savory, rich goodness. Amazing in in burgers, chicken, seafood, stews, soups, sauces, veggies or anywhere you want the savory taste of the "fifth Flavor." Truly a unique blend that is everything you want but nothing like you'd expect. Take flavor to a whole new level...a "foodie favorite!"
Blended with shitake mushroom, pink Himalayan sea salt, organic palm sugar, coriander, celery seeds and spices
Japanese Matcha Green Tea Superfood Blend Organic
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99
Organic Japanese Matcha Superfood Blend. Earthy, flavorful, with a hint of citrus. With a massive amount of health benefits, this blend will serve you well. Passionate about providing the perfect balance of deliciousness coupled with nutrient rich spice blends, we introduce our Organic Japanese Matcha Tea Spice Blend. This blend is hand crafted in small batches to ensure optimal nutrients and vitamins. Mixes perfectly in your daily superfood smoothie or anywhere you desire for an amazing boost of overall health and deliciousness. Refillable amber jar.
Blended with 100% pure Japanese matcha green tea, turmeric root, goji Berries, spirulina, moringa, ginger, ashwagandha root, nigella seeds (black seed), Ceylon cinnamon, orange peel, pea protein, wheatgrass, amchur powder (mango), beet root, maca, hemp, flax, chia, pomegranate, cardamom, goji Berry, and peppercorns for absorption.
Japanese Matcha Green Tea - is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, and because it is made from top-quality leaves that are treated with great care, it delivers more of the healthful elements of green tea than other forms. In addition to providing trace minerals and vitamins (A, B-complex, C, E, and K), matcha is rich in catechin polyphenols - compounds with high antioxidant activity. In fact Matcha tea has 6 times the amount of antioxidants of Goji berries, 60 times that of spinach and 17 times the amount of blueberries! These compounds offer protection against many kinds of cancer and help prevent cardiovascular disease. They also reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize blood sugar levels, help reduce high blood pressure and enhance the resistance of the body to many toxins. The most important polyphenol in matcha is EGCG (epigallo-catechin gallate), which according to Dr. Oz, is a great thermogenic component believed to boost the metabolism and has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Goji Berries - Goji berries are filled with powerful antioxidants and other compounds. Goji berries also have compounds rich in vitamin A. In laboratory tests, antioxidants minimize damage from free radicals that injure cells and damage DNA. When a cell's DNA changes, the cell grows abnormally. Therefore, antioxidants can take away the destructive power of free radicals.
Spirulina - this super food detoxes heavy metals (especially arsenic) and eliminates candida overgrowth, which has become the hallmark sign for most autoimmune diseases today. According to Dr. Axe, spirulina also increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer. Lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol, increases energy and speeds up weight loss. Compared to placebo trials, spirulina is effective at reducing itching, nasal discharge, nasal congestion and sneezing. Spirulina has been shown to improve AIDS/HIV and lowers the chances of a stroke. Rich in vitamins A, K1, K2, B12, iron, chromium and is a rich source of phytonutrients such as carotenoids, GLA, phycocyanin and contains 2800% more beta-carotene than carrots. Contains an abundance of protein. Spirulina contains more essential amino acids, iron, protein, B vitamins, and vitamins C, D and E than it's cousin chlorella.
Orange Peel - The little known fact is that there are substantially more enzymes, flavonoids, and phyto-nutrients in the peel of the Orange rather than the fruit. The peel is where all the essential components accumulate and they may be found in three main sections of the peel; the flavedo, albedo, and oil sacs. Orange peel is also extremely rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Choline, Folic Acid, over 60 known flavonoids, d-limonene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, aldehydes, numerous minerals and vitamins.
Ceylon Cinnamon - meta-analysis show that when using Ceylon cinnamon the findings are that there is a significant drop in blood glucose levels in diabetics as well as drops in cholesterol with as little as consuming 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per day. Like many other spices cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have even discovered recently that it's rich in antioxidants called polyphenols - which makes it great for your heart! It's also high in fiber, as it comes from the bark of a tree.
Not for use during pregnancy or if breastfeeding except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Love My Liver Herbal Detox
Regular price $49.99 Save $-49.99
Organic Liver Detox Tea. Perfect for gently detoxing your liver.
A detoxing powerhouse, milk thistle, helps to eliminate prescription medications, heavy metals, toxins from everyday pollution and alcohol in the liver. Milk thistle is also known to support healthy liver regeneration, neutralize negative effects on the liver after chemotherapy and radiation. Dandelion root is amazing at cleansing the liver, while burdock root is phenomenal as a blood cleanser, making it great for liver health. Turmeric root supports healthy liver tissue and aids in detoxification.
This herbal tea is completely handcrafted in micro batches for optimal vitamins and nutrients and can provide optimal support in the detoxification process.
*Quickly eliminates toxins
*Natural diuretic effect, eliminating toxins thru urine output
*Restores healthy blood sugar levels
*Detoxes liver
*Cleanses blood
*Glowing skin
*High in antioxidants, fights free radicals, anti-aging, fights cancer
*Lowers blood pressure
*Aids in weight loss
*Clears brain fog
*Strengthen immunity
Thoughtfully hand-blended with milk thistle, organic dandelion leaf, organic burdock root, and hand peeled turmeric.
Refill Bag - 6 ounces
2 teaspoon to 8 ounces of freshly boiled water. Allow to steep 12 minutes
"There is no cure-all magic pill. Health and wellness takes work, light to moderate exercise, spiritual and/or social engagement, coupled with what you put in your body as fuel. Wellness does not occur overnight no matter what you read. Wellness is a journey, so enjoy the process, listen to your body and have a great ride!" - Marlena Jayatilake, Owner & Founder

Organic Coco Chaga Mushroom Blend
Regular price $45.99 Save $-45.99
Organic Coco Chaga Mushroom Blend. Mushrooms have been used as food and medicine since at least 5000 BC. Our nutrient dense proprietary blend of mushrooms and raw cacao is not only considered a powerful adaptogenic blend focusing on total body wellness, but it also tastes amazing! Thanks to the concentrated compounds, this proprietary blend of mushrooms are more than capable of offering protections against inflammation, infections, liver disease, heart disease, viruses such as flu and HIV or hepatitis, digestive problems, chronic fatigue and leaky gut. Reishi can also help restore hormonal balance. 4 ounces.
Hand-blended with chaga mushroom, reishi mushroom, cordyceps mushroom, lion's mane mushroom and raw cacao. (Four Mushroom Blend pictured) 100% organic.
*May lower cholesterol
*Enhanced endurance and resistance to fatigue
*Potent antioxidant properties
*Helps protect the body from the negative effects of stress
*Nutrient rich super food blend
*Helps to balance blood sugar
*Powerful immunity boost
*Relieves mild symptoms of depression
*Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract
*Powerful cancer fighting properties
*Improves liver function
*Enhance brain function
*Protects against heart disease
Research information:
Recipe suggestions:
Mushroom milkshake: Recipe #1 - to the blender, add 1/2 tbsp of mushroom blend to 12 ounces of warmed nut milk, 4 dates, 1 tablespoon chia seeds and 1 frozen banana. Blend until smooth.
Recipe #2 - 1/2 tablespoon of mushroom blend to 12 ounces of warmed nut milk, 1 tablespoon of organic agave. Shake or blend until well blended.
Recipe #3 - to blender, add 1 tablespoon of mushroom blend, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 tablespoon maca root, 1 tablespoon walnuts, a few cubes of ice, and 5 dates. Blend until smooth.
Can easily be added to your daily smoothie routine.
Research information:

Organic Four Mushroom Blend
Regular price $49.99 Save $-49.99
Organic Four Mushroom Blend. Mushrooms has been used as food and medicine since at least 5000 BC. Our proprietary blend of mushrooms and spices is not only considered a powerful adaptogenic blend focusing on total body wellness, but it also tastes amazing! Thanks to the concentrated compounds, this proprietary blend of mushrooms are more than capable of offering protections against inflammation, infections, liver disease, heart disease, viruses such as flu and HIV or hepatitis, digestive problems, chronic fatigue and leaky gut. Reishi can also help restore hormonal balance. 4 ounces.
Ingredients: Lion’s mane mushroom, Chaga mushroom, cordyceps mushroom & shiitake mushroom with raw cacao.
*Enhanced endurance and resistance to fatigue
*Potent antioxidant properties
*Helps protect the body from the negative effects of stress
*Nutrient rich super food blend
*Helps to balance sugar
*Powerful immunity boost
*Relieves mild symptoms of depression
*Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract
*Powerful cancer fighting properties
*Improves liver function
*Enhance brain function
*Protects against heart disease
Research information:
Recipe suggestions:
Mushroom milkshake: Recipe #1 - to the blender, add 1/2 tbsp to 12 ounces of warmed nut milk, 4 dates, 1 tablespoon chia seeds and 1 frozen banana. Blend until smooth.
Recipe #2 - 1/2 tablespoon to 12 ounces of warmed nut milk, 1 tablespoon of organic agave. Shake or blend until well blended.
Recipe #3 - to blender, add 1 tablespoon of mushroom blend, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 tablespoon maca root, 1 tablespoon walnuts, a few cubes of ice, and 5 dates. Blend until smooth.
Can easily be added to your daily smoothie routine.
Enhanced endurance and resistance to fatigue
Potent antioxidant properties
Helps protect the body from the negative effects of stress
Nutrient rich super food blend
Helps to balance sugar
Powerful immunity boost
Relieves mild symptoms of depression
Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract
Powerful cancer fighting properties
Improves liver function
Enhance brain function
Protects against heart disease
Research information:

Peaceful Sleep Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Organic Peaceful Sleep Tea. Are you ready for bed and just can't seem to stop your mind from racing? Say goodbye to sleepless nights and restless days with this hand-blended herbal tea. Enjoy a restful night of sleep and wake naturally with no groggy hangover. Handcrafted with organic passion flower, organic chamomile, organic rooibos, organic lavender and lemon balm.
1 tbsp. /8 ounce serving
Freshly boiled water / steep 10 min.
Enjoy 30 to 45 minutes prior to bedtime for a peaceful night's sleep.

Turmeric and Ginger Anti Inflammation Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Organic Turmeric and Ginger Anti Inflammation Herbal Tea. This herbal tea blends works wonders on inflammation while providing a very tasty cup of tea to be enjoyed any time of the day. This tea is completely handmade using 100% pure spices and herbs. We carefully hand peel our turmeric and ginger root and then dry it right in our store with absolutely no heat. We take care to NEVER add artificial ingredients or scent sprays of any kind to enhance the flavors or scents of our teas. THIS IS OUR #1 BEST-SELLING TEA, A CUSTOMER FAVORITE!
Blended with lemon and mint, hand-peeled turmeric root pieces (a well known powerful anti inflammatory used to treat inflammation in the joints and stomach, reduces swelling and pain in the joints, fights cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, detoxifies the liver amongst a host of other health benefits), cinnamon pieces (known as an inflammatory with high amounts of polyphenol antioxidants and fiber), ginger (known for it's use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, stomach upsets and a powerful cancer fighter), fenugreek (known to soothe aching muscles and to treat inflammation of the stomach, particularly gastritis), mint (known as an anti inflammatory and used to treat, colic and IBS), lemongrass (used for treating achy joints or rheumatism) and peppercorns for absorption.
2.5 ounces
Caffeine Free
Blended with South African organic rooibos, lemon verbena, mint, rosemary, lemongrass, turmeric, fenugreek, peppercorns, ginger and cinnamon
Customer Testimonial
"Psoriatic Arthritis is an uncommon auto immune disease effecting many Americans. It mimics RA and other AI diseases and ofter goes misdiagnosed. I have suffered with this form of Arthritis for almost 30 years with only moderate relief using the entire spectrum of currently available prescription control remedies from sulfa drugs to NSAIDS to disease modifiers including 18 years of a weekly methotrexate regimen. I am extremely active but pay for it with pain and stiffness. Quite by accident I met Marlene on a Sunday morning as I was walking. She was in her store but they were closed. When I looked in the window, she came over and unlocked the door. After some time talking we talked about my disease and she recommended the ANTI INFLAMMATORY TEA BLEND. I was of course hopeful but being a cynical skeptic I had my doubts. From the first cup of tea my mood and pain level was different. No it didn't take away every bit of pain, but when i finish playing golf or working out and have the tea I experience a decrease in my pain levels. The stuff works, it is pleasant to drink and has exactly the effect i was hoping for. Go see Marlena and give it a try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Mark G. of Highland Park, IL
Wild-Crafted Elderberry Syrup
Regular price $25.99 Save $-25.99
Wild-Crafted Elderberry Syrup. Historians trace the healing power of elderberries back to ancient Greece.Research shows that elderberry is an effective, safe and cost efficient way to treat both cold and flu symptoms.
Elderberry offers phenomenal cold and flu relief and can actually work as a preventative, with it's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Reduces sinus infection symptoms, can lower blood sugar, a natural diuretic, encourages healthy skin, helps to prevent cancer and may improve heart health. While most people use elderberry for cold and flu relief, it should be noted that elderberry also helps to fight chronic fatigue, soothes allergies, helps to relieve constipation and helps in the prevention of cancer. Take elderberry syrup at the first sign of a cold to get relief and shorten the duration of a cold or flu. Hand-crafted in micro batches.
Historical fact: the government actually used elderberries to fight the great flu epidemic of Panama in 1995!
Ingredients: wild-crafted elderberry & raw honey. 5 ounces (net weight)