Health and Wellness
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2 products

Pumpkin Spice Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Pumpkin Spice Herbal Tea. This bold yet soothing seasonal blend is crafted with pumpkin chunks as the base of this tea for a true to life flavor. The pumpkin is further enhanced with just the right of blend of spices and Rooibos to make this tea a must have for crisp fall mornings. We saved the best for last by adding a generous amount of turmeric, a powerful anti-inflammatory root and calmative herbs like cardamom and cinnamon for an additional burst of flavor and wellness! This tea is especially creamy when oat milk is added after steeping. 3 ounces
steeping Instructions- 1 tablespoon to 12 oz of freshly boiled water. Steep 10-12 minutes.
Ingredients - pumpkin pieces, Rooibos, apple, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom and pink peppercorns.