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25 products

1 Beets and Berries Tea
Regular price $6.49 Save $-6.49
Beets and Berries Tea. Handcrafted with sweet beets, turmeric, ginger, & rose hips. Caffeine free.
1 Eucalyptus Manuka Tea
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99
Eucalyptus Manuka Tea. Handcrafted with aloe vera, manuka honey, ginger, fennel seeds, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus, & peppermint.CAFFEINE FREE.
1 Lemon Zinger Tea
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99
Lemon Zinger Tea. Handcrafted with lemon zest, cranberry & tart cherries. CAFFEINE FREE
1 Organic Stress Be Gone Herbal Tea
Regular price $6.49 Save $-6.49
Organic Stress Be Gone Herbal Tea. Handcrafted with passionflower (known to calm anxiety), lemon, peppermint, ashwagahdha root & honey.
Apple Pineapple Herbal Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Apple Pineapple Herbal Tea. This blend has it’s own surprises! The apple pieces of this creation are slightly tangy. Just sipping this intense, juicy, refreshing lemony combination makes you smile. A fruity, completely new Pleasure with fresh flavor notes of pineapple and pear. In summer serve chilled, this is the ideal refreshment for thirsty throats.
Ingredients: apples pieces, carrot flakes, pineapple cubes, marigold blossoms, natural flavoring.
1 to 2 tsp./6ounce serving
Boiling water/steep 12 min.

Ayurveda Tummy Soother Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Ayurveda Organic Tummy Soother Herbal Tea. This herbal infusion is perfect for stopping gas, bloating and intestinal spasms. Using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, we thoughtfully hand-blend spices and herbs known to have a soothing effect in the gut. This is a customer favorite!
Hand-blended with: cardamom, coriander, ginger and fennel seeds. 2.5 ounces in a refillable bag.
Add 1 tablespoon to 8 ounces of freshly boiled water. Steep 12 - 15 minutes. Sweeten with honey (optional)
Beets and Berries Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Beets and Berries Herbal Tea Blend. Hand blended with heart healthy beets, raspberries, red and black currants, cranberry, and goji berry to produce a fantastic tasting cup of tea. As delicious as it is, it is a complete wellness tea, offering cardiovascular support (supports healthy blood pressure) antioxidants, a mild diuretic, supports healthy blood sugar, flavonoids and B vitamins, improves blood pressure, promotes healthy skin, liver support, outstanding anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Inspired by Ayurveda.
1 tablespoon/ 12 ounces boiled water\ steep 11 mins.
Caramelized Almond Cranberry Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Caramelized Almond Cranberry Herbal Tea. Paying homage to the star spangled banner, handcrafted with sweet roasted caramelized almonds blended with tasty caramel notes and sultry vanilla. This tea is rounded off with tart cranberry.
Ingredients: Apples, almonds, caramel pieces, freeze dried cranberry, beetroot, cornflowers. CONTAINS MILK AND ALMONDS
STEEPING: 2 teaspoons to 6 ounces of freshly boiled water. Steep 12 minutes.
Net weight 3 ounces

Chamomile Herbal Tea Organic
Regular price $13.99 Save $-13.99
Organic Egyptian Chamomile Tea. Chamomile flowers are used widely as a delicious herbal tea. Harvested from an annual plant of the sunflower family, chamomile is a natural antispasmodic that relieves spasms in the intestines and has strong anti-inflammatory properties with a natural calming effect perfect for bedtime. It has a pleasant aroma and flavor that is earthy and slightly floral without overwhelming the senses. Great for calming acid reflux!
Bring 6 ounces of water to just under a boil, add 2 teaspoons of tea and steep 7 minutes or longer for fuller flavor. Be sure to cover the cup while steeping to prevent evaporation of the oils.
100% pure chamomile
Caffeine Free
loose leaf
Refill bag - 1.5 ounce weight
Cherry Pomegranate Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Ruby red cherries unite with juicy pomegranates. Sun-ripened fresh cherry notes combined with exotic flavors of pomegranate, sliced almonds, rose petals and cardamom pods bring a mysterious, oriental touch to this herbal brew.
Ingredients: Apple, hibiscus, almonds, cardamom, beetroot, rose petals, sour cherry pieces, pomegranate arils.
Steeping: 2 teaspoons to 8oz of freshly boiled water. Steep 10 to 12 minutes. When making iced tea, this cup is lovely with a splash of sparkling water!
Net weight 2.5 ounces

Cloud Catcher Herbal Tea
Regular price $15.50 Save $-15.50
Cloud Catcher Herbal Tea. A delight to drink. This extremely accomplished and decorative creation will certainly add a shine to your tea assortment and light up your mouth with fruity pleasure.
Ingredients: apple pieces, whole sour cherries, coconut flakes, freeze dried kiwi, freeze dried cranberry slices, natural flavoring.
2 tsp /6ounce serving
Boiled water /steep 12 min.

Coconut Almond Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Coconut Almond Herbal Tea. A beautiful creamy delicate tea with the bold flavors of shaved coconut and roasted almonds. A sweet and nutty desert tea. 3 ounces
Ingredients: apple pieces, pineapple, roasted coconut chips, freeze dried marzipan drops, blackberry leaves, freeze dried yogurt pieces. Low in acid!
Steeping Instructions: 2 teaspoons to 6oz of freshly boiled water. Steep for 10 to 12 minutes. No sugar necessary!

Eucalyptus Manuka Aloe Vera Herbal Tea
Regular price $16.50 Save $-16.50
Eucalyptus Maunka Aloe Vera Herbal Tea. An oasis of well-being, multi-faceted creation with aloe Vera, ginger, fennel, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus, peppermint, & manuka honey. Cooling freshness with gentle sweetness to enjoy both hold or cold. Inspired by Ayurveda.
Steeping Instructions:
2 teaspoons /6 ounces of freshly boiled water. Steep 10 minutes.
Fruit and Almond Herbal Tea
Regular price $16.50 Save $-16.50
Fruit and Almond Herbal Tea. The flavor note of this tea is determined by tempting, sweet, roasted caramelized almonds. It is a taste experience which your nose and palate knows and loves from spring and summer county fairs, the October Fest and Christmas Markets.
Ingredients: apple pieces, planed and crushed almonds, cinnamon pieces, beetroot pieces and natural flavoring.
Steeping: 2 tsp. /6 ounce serving
Freshly boiled water/ steep 10 to 12 min.
Fruit Tea Sampler Herbal
Regular price $42.99 Save $-42.99
Fruit Tea Sampler HERBAL. With so many teas to choose from, it can be a daunting task to try them one by one. We made it easy for you! You get 4 of our premium top selling fruit teas in one box. Make it a party or a tea tasting for one. Either way your discriminating taste buds will love this fruit tea sampler.
Great anytime hot or cold
Each tea packaged as 1.25 ounces
Over 45 cups of tea
Mocktail recipe included (non-alcoholic)
Four premium fruit teas as pictured above presented in a gift box
Comes with free unbleached tea bags to get you started right away
Great gift idea!
Lemon Zinger Herbal Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Back by popular demand! A refreshing blend of pineapple pieces, sour apple pieces, lemon granules and big, freeze dried lemon peel offer a mesmerizing medley of tart, slightly sour yet sweet notes reminiscent of a bitter lemonade. Freeze dried red currants provide a bright contrast. Perfect for a cold winter's day or as a refreshing iced tea to be enjoyed anytime, day or night! 2.5 ounces. Refillable bag.

Men’s Revitalizing Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Men's Revitalizing Herbal Tea. Herbal taste with a hint of ginger of ginger that revitalize and restore. Promotes total wellness.
Blended with herbs from traditional Ayurveda teachings to promote well-being and rejuvenation of the body mind and spirit. In particular, damiana leaves were used mostly to increase sexual desire and sexual dysfunction. Celery seeds may help kill bacteria in the urinary tract and increase the flow of urine, decrease fluid retention, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Rosemary promotes circulation.
Damiana leaves, cinnamon, rosemary, fennel, ginger, peppercorns, cardamom, sage, cloves, carob, celery & licorice*.
* If you have high blood pressure, excessive amounts of this tea should be avoided. Because damiana leaf may interfere with blood glucose levels (lowering blood sugar levels), stop using damiana leaf 2 weeks before surgery.

Mushroom Magic ImmuniTea
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99
Organic Mushroom Magic ImmuniTea. This powerful and life changing blend is thoughtfully handcrafted with a powerful nourishing blend of reishi and chaga mushroom, blood sugar lowering cinnamon, aromatic rose petals, liver detoxifying dandelion root & chicory. Small batch & handcrafted.
Proven benefits of Reishi Mushroom
*may help defend against cancer and tumor growth
*May improve liver function and detoxification
*promotes heart health and balances sugar
*may reduce risks of infections and viruses (U.T.I., bronchitis and respiratory infections, etc.)
*may help fight allergies and asthma related symptoms (turns off the body's response to allergies)
*boosts immunity - enhances immune response
Reishi mushroom may also lower inflammation and increase the release of natural killer cells (cytotoxicity) which work to remove various types of mutated cells from the body and this among many other reasons, we believe, makes our proprietary mushroom blend a powerful companion to cancer treatment.
Reishi mushrooms have antioxidant abilities that strengthen the body's defenses against cancer, autoimmune diseases, heart disease and these are just a few of the benefits of reishi mushroom defends against. Working as a immune modulator reishi can help to restore hormonal balance and regulate activity of the immune system.
2.5 ounces
Refillable bag

Organic Wild Berry Herbal Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Organic Wild Berry Herbal Tea. Bold and aromatic, this tea delivers an intense, yet soothing luscious berry taste. Packed with flavor and complete with amazing health benefits, this hand-blended tea combines the nourishing antioxidant goodness of organic rose hips with tangy organic hibiscus, and organic elderberry resulting in a deliciously lasting fresh fruit taste and a beautiful red cup of tea. With the addition of blooming red rose petals comes the pleasurable aroma of a floral bouquet for this nutritious infusion! Fantastic hot or cold. 2.5 ounces
With daily use:
May lower blood pressure
Antioxidant rich - provides Immunity Support
Antioxidant rich - Anti-Aging
Elderberry fights cold and flu
Ingredients - Organic rose hips, organic hibiscus and fresh red roses
2 tsp. /8 ounce serving
Freshly boiled water /steep 7 min. Sweeten if desired

Peaceful Sleep Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Organic Peaceful Sleep Tea. Are you ready for bed and just can't seem to stop your mind from racing? Say goodbye to sleepless nights and restless days with this hand-blended herbal tea. Enjoy a restful night of sleep and wake naturally with no groggy hangover. Handcrafted with organic passion flower, organic chamomile, organic rooibos, organic lavender and lemon balm.
1 tbsp. /8 ounce serving
Freshly boiled water / steep 10 min.
Enjoy 30 to 45 minutes prior to bedtime for a peaceful night's sleep.
Reiki Herbs and Berries Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Reiki Herbs and Berries Herbal Tea. Formed by the Japanese terms rei (cosmos) and ki (spiritual energy), Reiki is an ancient spiritual healing method which is said to bring about healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The blend of herbs, fruits and blossoms with its freshness and sweetness is a pure experience of nature.
Blended with: sultanas, apple pieces, mango cubes, lemon grass, rose hips, hibiscus flowers, orange peel, carrot shreds, stinging nettle leaves, sweet blackberry leaves, tangerine pieces, blue cornflower blossoms, mallow blossoms, marigold blossoms, rose petals and safflower.
Add 1.5 tsp tea to 6oz boiled water. Steep 10 minutes
2.5 ounces