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24 products

Ayurveda Soothing Throat and Cold Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Ayurveda Soothing Throat and Cold Tea, Organic. Aromatic, bold, spicy, soothing and warming. This beverage is made up of purely seeds that are known to soothe and coat the throat, open nasal passage, loosen mucus and act as an expectorant, and completely engulfs your body in warmth. This is a customer favorite. Instantly feel soothed at cup's end! Seeds can be reused twice.
This organic tea is completely handmade blending pure whole spices
2.5 ounces whole spices, Caffeine Free.
Blended with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, ginger, holy basil, sage, thyme, licorice root, holy basil (tulsi) & peppercorns.
Steeping instructions: bring 2 cups of water to boil. Add 1 tbsp. of spices and simmer to 1 cup (about 15 minutes). Sweeten with honey, sip while hot. For an even spicier kick, try it with a pinch of cayenne pepper!

Brain Power Herbal Tea Organic
Regular price $22.99 Save $-22.99
Brain Power Herbal Tea 100% organic . This tea is completely hand-blended for superior brain function. We combine Gotu Kola (an Ayurveda healing herb) with Ginkgo Biloba (Chinese Medicine) and Rosemary. 2 ounces.
Gotu Kola - Known as "the fountain of Life" is also used for fatigue, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's disease, improving memory and intelligence. Also speeds up wound healing time, healing the circulatory system, including varicose veins and blood clots. Boosts cognition, soothes nervous disorders.
Ginkgo Biloba - is the oldest living species of plants on Earth, and promotes healthy blood circulation. Ginkgo is used for cerebral insufficiency, which is characterized by poor concentration, confusion, decreased physical performance, fatigue, headache, dizziness, depression and anxiety. Scientific research suggests that ginkgo may improve cognitive performance and protect against Alzheimer's.
Evidence of research: Mayo Clinic www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ginkgo/evidence/hrb-20059541

Chamomile Herbal Tea Organic
Regular price $13.99 Save $-13.99
Organic Egyptian Chamomile Tea. Chamomile flowers are used widely as a delicious herbal tea. Harvested from an annual plant of the sunflower family, chamomile is a natural antispasmodic that relieves spasms in the intestines and has strong anti-inflammatory properties with a natural calming effect perfect for bedtime. It has a pleasant aroma and flavor that is earthy and slightly floral without overwhelming the senses. Great for calming acid reflux!
Bring 6 ounces of water to just under a boil, add 2 teaspoons of tea and steep 7 minutes or longer for fuller flavor. Be sure to cover the cup while steeping to prevent evaporation of the oils.
100% pure chamomile
Caffeine Free
loose leaf
Refill bag - 1.5 ounce weight

Cranberry Orange White Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Organic Cranberry Orange White Tea. Thoughtfully handcrafted, this tea merges delicate flavors with impressive tonic properties and yields an infusion with incredible taste and aroma, that is naturally sweet with deep fruity notes. Blended with hibiscus and berries for a delicious blast of vitamin C to support a healthy immune system and safflower threads for essential acids important in overall body health. White tea is a great tool for helping to shed unwanted pounds! Cranberry Orange White Tea showcases a luxurious tea that should be savored and is certainly worthy of special occasions. Refill bag - loose leaf white tea, 2 ounces.
Health Benefits of White Tea
Rich in antioxidants
May reduce the risk of heart disease
May help you shed weight
Helps protect teeth from bacteria
Has cancer fighting compounds
May protect against osteoporosis
May help fight skin aging
Ingredients- Organic white tea, cranberry, organic hibiscus, organic rose hips, pomegranate seeds, blackberry, organic orange peel, and safflower threads. Contains Caffeine

Exotic Indian Chai Black Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Indian Chai Black Tea. Creamy, savory, slightly strong yet soothing and aromatic. This high end, creamy, delicious tea is perfect to enjoy year round and especially in the fall and winter months. One sip will transport you to India and you'll be hooked on this little slice of heaven! A welcome addition to savor anytime of the day. Loose leaf 2.5 ounces CONTAINS CAFFEINE. Try our Exotic Red Chai Tea for a decaf cup of delicious chai tea!
Hand-blended with Assam black tea, Ceylon cloves, cardamom pods, cardamom seeds, cassia cinnamon chips, dried ginger, peppercorns, and orange peel. ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS, PRESERVATIVES, ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING OR SUGAR, JUST THE WAY NATURE INTENDED.
Steeping Instructions: 6 oz water / freshly boiled water / steep 5 minutes / add cream & honey to taste
To prepare an authentic cup of Indian Chai Tea - bring 4 ounces of water with 4 ounces of milk. Next, add 2 rounded teaspoons of tea and simmer on low for 5 minutes. Strain tea in your cup, sweeten and enjoy. For a gourmet treat top with whip cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg!

Exotic Red Chai Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Exotic Organic Red Chai Tea. Rooibos, a caffeine free tea, also known as African Red Tea contains high levels of nutrients and antioxidants and is the base of this incredibly soothing tea. Creamy and seductive, this tea will dance around your tongue gently awakening your senses while soothing you with an aromatic ancient blend of Ayurveda healing and warming spices. This tea blend is caffeine free so enjoy this tea anytime of the day or night!
Perfectly hand blended in small batches with healing spices: cardamom, ginger, allspice, peppercorns, cloves, orange peel, Ceylon "True" cinnamon. CONTAINS NO FILLERS - NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS, JUST PURE TEA AND SPICES, THE WAY NATURE INTENDED.
Stovetop Directions for an 8 ounce cup: bring 4 ounces of cold water and 4 ounces of cold almond milk to a boil (soy, hemp, cashew milk or cow's milk may be substituted). PLEASE BE SURE TO WATCH THE POT AS MILK HAS A TENDENCY TO BOIL OVER. Once boiling, turn down the flame to low and add 1 heaping teaspoon of chai tea. Let tea simmer for 5 minutes. Strain into cup and sweeten with honey or palm sugar.
Quick Steeping Guide: 2 teaspoon per 8 ounces of boiling water, steep 6 min. Add milk, sweeten and enjoy.
Rooibos tea contains high levels of flavonoids, polyphenols and phenolic acid, powerful antioxidants that are considered immune-boosting. Rooibos tea also has high concentrations of energizing minerals such as iron, potassium, zinc magnesium and sodium making it useful to boost hydration and endurance during a workout session.
Exotic Tea Sampler Pack
Regular price $45.99 Save $-45.99
Loose Leaf Tea Rainbow Sampler. If you love handcrafted, small-batch, high quality tea but are hesitant on which one to purchase, buy them all in this convenient tea sampler box! The teas chosen are some of the most popular premium exotic teas we carry and customers have certainly spoken up on these bold and soul satisfying teas. No artificial flavors, gluten-free, no added sugar, 100% tea, spices & herbs. Pure & simple!
Includes (four 1 ounce bags - net weight 1.5 ounces)
Black tea, herbal tea, green tea, oolong tea
Exotic Kaleidoscope Chai Blend (contains caffeine)
Organic Pumpkin Spice Herbal Tea
Maple Walnut Green Tea (contains caffeine)
Exotic Milky Oolong Tea (contains caffeine)
Over 50 cups of tea!
Packed in natural Kraft bags
Free unbleached tea bags to get you started
Great gift idea
Gotu Kola - Organic
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99
Gotu Kola, is one of the most widely used and important Ayurvedic herbs on the market today. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is thought to be one of the most spiritual and rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It is also thought to increase psychic sensitivity and is often used to treat anxiety due to its calming abilities. Gotu Kola is also one of the largest cultivated crops in India and thrives under organic farming conditions. While popularly used as a food source (in curries, rice, salads and vegetarian dishes) rich in vitamin C in the form of leafy greens within Bangladesh, Thailand and Sri Lanka it also has been internationally recognized within many countries pharmacopoeias and has been a valid, recognized, botanical medicine since 1884.
It is used to support healthy veins and circulation. It is also used externally for minor wounds and burns. The herb is traditionally used to reduce anxiety, promote calmness and relaxation.
Delicious when prepared as a tea - taste is as delicious and as light as green tea!
Gourmet Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate Gift Box
Regular price $59.99 Save $-59.99
Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate Gift Box. Say hello to our unique gift box for lovers of full flavor without the guilt! Each blend is ground fresh, hand-mixed and sifted in small batches ensuring nutrients and vitamins, bold delicious taste and aroma.
This gift box includes 2.5 ounces of the following blends:
Mayan Temple Cacao - Add 1 1/2 tablespoons directly to warmed almond milk for a fantastic hot chocolate beverage. Unbelievable when sprinkled in brewed coffee. This blends delivers a spicy kick! Top with whip cream for a gourmet treat!
*Exotic Indian Chai Tea - Boil 6 ounces of water with 6 ounces of oat milk, add 2 rounded teaspoons of tea and simmer on the lowest heat 5 minutes, strain into cup and sweeten. Top with whip cream for a gourmet treat!
Pumpkin Spice Blend - Add 1 teaspoon to coffee beans and brew or stir 1/2 teaspoon into 6 ounces of brewed coffee and blend with a milk frother For a gourmet treat, top with whip cream and a sprinkle of pumpkin spice on top! Also great in tea, pancakes, crepes, hummus and cheesecake.
Old School Hot Chocolate - Add 1.5 tablespoons to a 12 ounce cup of warmed milk, sweeten with brown sugar. For a tasty cafe mocha, add a teaspoon to freshly brewed coffee.
*Exotic Indian Chai Tea loose leaf contains caffeine. If you do not want caffeine, choose option "Make My Tea Decaf."

Hibiscus Citrus Mint Herbal Tea
Regular price $15.50 Save $-15.50
Hibiscus Citrus Mint Herbal Tea. Bold, aromatic, tangy and fruity with notes of orange and lemon. This tea is bursting with numerous health benefits! Hibiscus is well known for it's ability to help manage high blood pressure. High in vitamin C and antioxidant protection. Additionally hibiscus fights free radicals, helps to relax you and quenches thirst after a long stressful day. This tea blend also offers chronic disease prevention, slows aging skin and helps with bloating and chronic inflammation.
Hibiscus Herbal brings you the best of both worlds, delicious and soothing when hot and berrylicious and thirst quenching when cold! Handmade, using only pure ingredients, NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING JUST PURE TEA.
Refill bag - loose leaf 2 ounces
Hand-blended with orange peel, hibiscus, peppermint leaf, lemongrass, spearmint leaf, lemon verbena and lemon balm.
Bring 6 ounces of water to boil and steep 1 teaspoon of tea for 8 minutes or longer for stronger flavor.
Caffeine Free

Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder Organic
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Organic Pure Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder contains the polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component believed to boost metabolism. Did you know that 1 glass of Matcha is equal to 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content? Unlike other varieties of green tea, where you steep and disgard the leaves, matcha tea is ground into a powder that completely dissolves in water. When you drink it, you ingest the entire tea leaf and not just the brewed water, thereby getting all of its healthful nutrients. It has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Select organic culinary matcha or organic ceremonial matcha. A wellness powerhouse!
Organic Japanese Matcha Green Tea is an antioxidant powerhouse, energy booster, calorie burner & detox deluxe. Wonderful in lattes and smoothies.
Packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCG
Boosts metabolism
Detoxifies effectively and naturally
Calms and relaxes (packed with L-theanine)
Enhances moods and aids in concentration
Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
Fights against viruses and bacteria
Rich in fiber
Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
Steeping Instructions: 8 ounces of 175 degree water per 1/2 teaspoon of Matcha
Japanese Matcha Green Tea Superfood Blend Organic
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99
Organic Japanese Matcha Superfood Blend. Earthy, flavorful, with a hint of citrus. With a massive amount of health benefits, this blend will serve you well. Passionate about providing the perfect balance of deliciousness coupled with nutrient rich spice blends, we introduce our Organic Japanese Matcha Tea Spice Blend. This blend is hand crafted in small batches to ensure optimal nutrients and vitamins. Mixes perfectly in your daily superfood smoothie or anywhere you desire for an amazing boost of overall health and deliciousness. Refillable amber jar.
Blended with 100% pure Japanese matcha green tea, turmeric root, goji Berries, spirulina, moringa, ginger, ashwagandha root, nigella seeds (black seed), Ceylon cinnamon, orange peel, pea protein, wheatgrass, amchur powder (mango), beet root, maca, hemp, flax, chia, pomegranate, cardamom, goji Berry, and peppercorns for absorption.
Japanese Matcha Green Tea - is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, and because it is made from top-quality leaves that are treated with great care, it delivers more of the healthful elements of green tea than other forms. In addition to providing trace minerals and vitamins (A, B-complex, C, E, and K), matcha is rich in catechin polyphenols - compounds with high antioxidant activity. In fact Matcha tea has 6 times the amount of antioxidants of Goji berries, 60 times that of spinach and 17 times the amount of blueberries! These compounds offer protection against many kinds of cancer and help prevent cardiovascular disease. They also reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize blood sugar levels, help reduce high blood pressure and enhance the resistance of the body to many toxins. The most important polyphenol in matcha is EGCG (epigallo-catechin gallate), which according to Dr. Oz, is a great thermogenic component believed to boost the metabolism and has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Goji Berries - Goji berries are filled with powerful antioxidants and other compounds. Goji berries also have compounds rich in vitamin A. In laboratory tests, antioxidants minimize damage from free radicals that injure cells and damage DNA. When a cell's DNA changes, the cell grows abnormally. Therefore, antioxidants can take away the destructive power of free radicals.
Spirulina - this super food detoxes heavy metals (especially arsenic) and eliminates candida overgrowth, which has become the hallmark sign for most autoimmune diseases today. According to Dr. Axe, spirulina also increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer. Lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol, increases energy and speeds up weight loss. Compared to placebo trials, spirulina is effective at reducing itching, nasal discharge, nasal congestion and sneezing. Spirulina has been shown to improve AIDS/HIV and lowers the chances of a stroke. Rich in vitamins A, K1, K2, B12, iron, chromium and is a rich source of phytonutrients such as carotenoids, GLA, phycocyanin and contains 2800% more beta-carotene than carrots. Contains an abundance of protein. Spirulina contains more essential amino acids, iron, protein, B vitamins, and vitamins C, D and E than it's cousin chlorella.
Orange Peel - The little known fact is that there are substantially more enzymes, flavonoids, and phyto-nutrients in the peel of the Orange rather than the fruit. The peel is where all the essential components accumulate and they may be found in three main sections of the peel; the flavedo, albedo, and oil sacs. Orange peel is also extremely rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Choline, Folic Acid, over 60 known flavonoids, d-limonene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, aldehydes, numerous minerals and vitamins.
Ceylon Cinnamon - meta-analysis show that when using Ceylon cinnamon the findings are that there is a significant drop in blood glucose levels in diabetics as well as drops in cholesterol with as little as consuming 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per day. Like many other spices cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have even discovered recently that it's rich in antioxidants called polyphenols - which makes it great for your heart! It's also high in fiber, as it comes from the bark of a tree.
Not for use during pregnancy or if breastfeeding except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Loose Leaf Tea Starter Set
Regular price $89.99 Save $-89.99
Our best-selling Loose Leaf Tea Starter Set
What’s in the box:
1. Lemon Zinger Herbal Tea (Caffeine Free)
2. Coconut Almond Herbal Tea (Caffeine Free)
3. Maple Walnut Green Tea
4. Peppermint Patty Black Tea
5. Exotic Milky Oolong Tea
6. Premium teapot infuser (pictured). Porcelain teapot with wooden handle, 3 piece set comes with a stainless steel strainer and 2 tea cups. Pot holds 16.9 fl oz. Tea cups hold 5.1 fl oz. Of liquid.
Each tea is 1 ounce - over 50 cups of tea

Moroccan Mint Tea Organic
Regular price $13.99 Save $-13.99
Organic Moroccan Mint Tea delivers an aromatic, fresh and savory cup of tea that will soothe your senses while providing the health benefits of green tea, such as abundance of antioxidants. Moroccan Mint is a rewarding experience that soothes the mind, body and soul through and through. Refreshing and welcoming, great iced too! Refill bag loose leaf
Ingredients- Green tea and peppermint.Contains Caffeine
Mulling Spices
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99
Mulling Spices. Aromatic, bold, slightly sweet, hints of licorice with a spicy bite of ginger. Nothing beats a great glass of wine other than a great mug of mulled wine around the holidays! Works great with apple cider as well...let's not forget the kiddies (wink!).
Blended with cardamom, cloves, Cassia cinnamon chips, star anise, allspice, dried ginger and orange peel.
Mulled Wine Recipe:
- To a large pot, add one bottle of red wine. Cover and bring to a very low simmer. DO NOT BOIL, doing so will boil away the alcohol.
- To brew, as soon as wine begins to simmer, combine spices together in a steeping bag and add to simmering red wine (NOTE: Promptly remove the steeping bag within 15 minutes of simmering to avoid bitterness!)
- Enough for 3 to 4 bottles of wine
- If you do not have a steeping bag, use a strainer to strain out the spices, no worries

Orange Kiss Spiced Black Tea
Regular price $15.50 Save $-15.50
Orange Kiss Spiced Black Tea.
Completely handmade, we carefully peel the sweetest oranges and then dehydrate them low and slow for optimal nutrients, flavor and aroma. Hand-blended with cinnamon chips, cardamom pods, peppercorns and Assam black tea, this tea is pure delight. Bold in taste and aroma this tea can be enjoyed either hot or cold. We never use artificial flavors just pure tea and spices. Enjoy the taste of lush oranges, cardamom and ginger as this tea boldly dances in your cup as it tempts your taste buds!
Contains caffeine.
2 ounces
1 teaspoon of tea to 6 ounces of boiling water. Steep 3 minutes
20 servings

Organic Jasmine Green Tea
Regular price $9.99 Save $-9.99
Organic Jasmine green tea. Japanese sencha green tea blended with jasmine flowers for a lively taste and lovely aroma.
2.5 ounces
Loose leaf
Contains caffeine

Organic Rooibos Herbal Tea
Regular price $8.99 Sale price $7.99 Save $1.00
Ingredients- Organic Rooibos.
Caffeine Free
Antioxidant rich
2 tsp. of tea per 6 ounces of water. Bring water just to boiling (208 degrees), steep 6 minutes. Sweeten if desired.
Refill bag

Organic Wild Berry Herbal Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Organic Wild Berry Herbal Tea. Bold and aromatic, this tea delivers an intense, yet soothing luscious berry taste. Packed with flavor and complete with amazing health benefits, this hand-blended tea combines the nourishing antioxidant goodness of organic rose hips with tangy organic hibiscus, and organic elderberry resulting in a deliciously lasting fresh fruit taste and a beautiful red cup of tea. With the addition of blooming red rose petals comes the pleasurable aroma of a floral bouquet for this nutritious infusion! Fantastic hot or cold. 2.5 ounces
With daily use:
May lower blood pressure
Antioxidant rich - provides Immunity Support
Antioxidant rich - Anti-Aging
Elderberry fights cold and flu
Ingredients - Organic rose hips, organic hibiscus and fresh red roses
2 tsp. /8 ounce serving
Freshly boiled water /steep 7 min. Sweeten if desired

Root and Seed Herbal Tea
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99
Root and Seed Tea. Aromatic and invigorating. A stimulating herbal tea that beautifully blends herbs, roots, and seeds to invigorate the mind and feed the soul. The licorice is an adaptogen that helps the body adapt to stress, coats and soothes the stomach and throat, while the fennel seeds help with digestion, and flax seeds offers an abundant amount of essential fatty acids. Indulge in this lightly colored pale yellow cup of lovely tea and bask in the pleasant scent of licorice and peppermint, with a sweet and slightly nutty taste, it's simply, extraordinarily, fantastic!
2.5 ounces loose leaf
Great for digestion
Calms Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Naturally sweet
Caffeine Free
Bring 6 ounces of water to a boil, add 1 heaping teaspoon of tea and steep for 8 minutes
Ingredients: fennel seed, flax seed, peppermint leaf, fenugreek seed and licorice root
Those with high blood pressure should not regularly consume this tea.

Rosehip and Hibiscus Herbal Tea
Regular price $10.50 Save $-10.50
Rose hip and Hibiscus Herbal Tea. The use of hibiscus tea is thought to have started in ancient Egypt. Made from the flowers of hibiscus, this flower is commonly used in the traditional Indian system of Ayurveda medicine used to cure various aliments. Combined with rose hips, this tea is antioxidant rich offering immunity support and anti-aging benefits. The bold dark red color coupled with the tart taste of this brew makes this tea the perfect refreshing beverage! Enjoyed both hot and cold. 3 ounces
100% organic herbal tea