Featured Spice Blends, Herbs and Tea
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4 products
Lemon Zinger Herbal Tea
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99
Back by popular demand! A refreshing blend of pineapple pieces, sour apple pieces, lemon granules and big, freeze dried lemon peel offer a mesmerizing medley of tart, slightly sour yet sweet notes reminiscent of a bitter lemonade. Freeze dried red currants provide a bright contrast. Perfect for a cold winter's day or as a refreshing iced tea to be enjoyed anytime, day or night! 2.5 ounces. Refillable bag.

Strawberry Rose Fruit Tea
Regular price $15.50 Save $-15.50
Strawberry Rose Fruit Tea. This beautiful rose fruit tea blend gets its stunning color from pink rose buds and leaves, fruit pieces and purple pearls that are artistically displayed on a bed of apple and pineapple pieces. Sweet, fruity, fresh and fully flavored notes of antioxidant rich red fruits. The perfect desert tea, naturally sweet! 2 ounces.
Ingredients: apple pieces, pineapple pieces, elderberries, rose petals, flavoring, pink rose buds, hibiscus blossoms, freeze-dried strawberries, black carrot pearls, freeze-dried sour cherry pieces and cranberry slices.
Steeping: 2 tsp tea / 6oz serving
freshly boiled water / steep 10 to 12 minutes
Sweet Apple & Cinnamon Herbal Tea
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99
Sweet Apple and Cinnamon Herbal Tea. Like fresh picked apples and slowly falling temps, this tea gently ushers in Fall. Delicious with a hint of autumnal spices. When served hot this tea is absolutely magnificent, but served cold with a splash of oat milk is totally a decadent surprise! Seasonal tea blend.
Ingredients: Rooibos, apple pieces, hibiscus blossoms, cinnamon rods, apple slices, planed almonds, rose hip peel, elderberries, sultanas, whole star anise, natural flavoring.
Freshly boiled water / steep 10 to 12 min.